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<text>To join AMUG print this card and fill it out. Then mail it with your check or money order made out to AMUG(Arizona Macintosh Users Group). Mail it to : AMUG Membership PO Box 10593 Scottsdale, AZ 85271</text>
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<text>............... Marion Gray Donaldson</text>
<text>Seniors & the Mac</text>
<text>In sum, what I’m proposing through AMUG is a sweeping involvement of the older person in an activity that has scarcely any limit to its ramifications and helpfulness. Some, regrettably, can’t take advantage of this, but millions can. Those millions and the happy presence of Macs can endlessly enrich the lives of elderly individuals, their families and society.</text>
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<text>voicing opinions based on years of experience, the same for newspaper columns or magazine articles, family newsletters, certificates, holiday cards and—the most important of all—personal and family histories? One of society’s saddest times comes with the death of an elderly person who takes the story of a long and interesting life silently to the grave where it’s lost forever.One of the things about AMUG that impresses me is its willingness and that of individual members to help others with Mac problems. This leads me to a suggestion. How about setting up an AMUG senior section to persuade and help oldsters get involved with Macs?The next logical step would be to encourage senior centers and private retirement homes to set up computer rooms with several Macs and a good printer. These </text>
<text>places tend to settle into institutional routine—boredom is a better name for it. But with a Mac room, they can be lively and exciting. In addition to personal writing, Mac users could publish a periodic newsletter giving residents a chance to submit editorials, general articles, bits of history, personal experiences, anecdotes, comments on events of the day, jokes and the like—in short, to share their lives and thoughts with others. With a desktop publishing program, the newsletters could look professional and therefore more desirable to send, proudly, to younger family members. Classes for new users could be held with Mac buffs, ultimately recruited from among seniors, as instructors.In sum, what I’m proposing through AMUG </text>
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<text>pleasure in operating. Too, its benefits can be far-reaching. Here are some of them.y Medicos tell us we must exercise to keep well. But not just the physical kind. Neurologists say the brain needs exercise, too. The ability to think and retain memory comes through the constant use of synapses, those infinitely tiny switches that interconnect the brain’s billions of neurons. Use ‘em and they improve, even rejuvenate. The Mac is good at this business. There’s still another aspect of brain usage Recent researchers hold that boredom from lack of brain activity actually has a toxic effect on the human body that can cause illness and shortens lives. Remember the phrase, “Bored to death?” Mac users are never bored. They can’t be; the Mac won’t permit it—too much going on in its arcane innards. The Mac bridges the generation gap. Segregation of the old and young is </text>
<text>becoming common, but it deprives bothages of a valuable association. The Mac world has no generation gap: teenagers and seniors work happily side by side at a keyboard in solving problems. For the first time in humankind’s long history, the Mac gives the elderly—and everyone else, of course—an easy way of getting word ideas down on paper. For the elderly non-typist, those with arthritic fingers, the otherwise physically handicapped as well as those who just have trouble expressing themselves, the Mac’s word-processing ability is an exciting god-send.What, then, do we write with the Mac? How about family letters—if to young grand- children, with large point size, symbols, animals and borders—letters to the editor</text>
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<text>As an octogenarian at AMUG meetings, I try to spot someone who’s as old as I am. So far I haven’t seen anyone. At first this bothered me. What am I doing here among all you bright younger minds? After all, we horse and buggy oldsters have had our day and now it’s time to move aside and leave this esoteric computer thing to you who are better able to handle high tech stuff.There was a time when we grayheads would have accepted this brush-off meekly and slunk quietly off to our rocking chairs. But now in the latter part of this twentieth century, a unique sociological condition in our nation is saying, “Hey, we oldsters don’t do that any more.” Mainly, it’s the sheer number of us. There are well over 52,000,000 seniors in the U.S. from 55 to 100 and older, with the number growing every year. And we’re living longer, in better health, with more money and time </text>
<text>on our hands than any senior segmentof our society before—a fact that the Apple guys ought to wake up to. Of course, there are all kinds of recreation activity to attract us. But for some seniors, there has to be something more than just to keep us busy. We still want to make some kind of contribution—in effect, to move down out of the grandstand onto the playing field again.Luckily, something came along that solved the problem for many of us. It was this machine, whimsically called Macintosh. Like most computers, it has incredible performance capacity, but unlike others it has the amiable quality of welcoming hesitant and fearful users with a warm embrace. That makes it one of the few high tech devices seniors can adapt to and find </text>
<name>Seniors and the Mac</name>
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<text>month extension on their membership.Is that it? Almost. AMUG also has many events that require bodies. Things like auctions and training sessions always need bodies. We also have many other event ideas but sorely lack the people power to pull them off.That’s got to be it. Well its a start. Volunteerism is what makes most organizations go. While many of them pay their people, these people volunteer in other ways. These ways may be in the form of refilling the coffee pot, emptying the trash, taking a message and so forth. The bottom line is if you see something that needs fixing let someone know how you want to fix it and then fix it.</text>
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<text>will breed his assistant manager so that they can take over when its time to leave. It also comes in handy if someone gets sick or is unable to perform at any particular moment.So what’s all this about? Its a call for volunteers. We (the officers) have lots of neat ideas that we would like to see implemented. Unfortunately, there are only a few of us so we can’t cover it all, nor can we continue to ask or rely on the same people to fill in the gaps.What needs to be done? Glad you asked. The newsletter is becoming a monster. Gary has done a fine job but he does need help. Is this help glamorous? Uhhhh....No. Useful....YES. For one thing we need someone to proof articles. I’m the subject of a few. So to all the English teachers out there that have a hankering to edit please give us a yell.</text>
<text>What else needs to be done? The best of table is one of AMUG’s best assets. This incidentally is the same table that gets transferred into an AMUG booth at Mac World. Last year we took a bunch of people with us. This year we hope to do so again. Unfortunately we need to set some rules (things just wouldn’t be fun without them). So one rule will be that you have to know our stock and what it does. What better way to do that then to work the table.Anything else? Yup. Every month we copy over 200 disks for the attending members. Extra copiers are always welcome and encouraged. If we can get enough copiers then the time it takes to copy all those disks will be cut down and everyone can enjoy the meeting. By the way copiers get a free </text>
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<text>It’s hard to believe that the year is a third of the way through. All those New Year resolutions are stirring around reminding us that we still have lots of work left before us. In some cases work that we haven’t even begun. I heard on the TV (an intellectual tool for sure) that if we spend an hour a week reading on one topic, that after thirty years we will have the equivalent of two PhD’s. Wow.Continuing towards this month’s topic sentence. Have you backed up today?With the presidential campaign in full swing, we hear a lot about funds and the shortage of funds. We hear of $100 contributions, 800 numbers, and lots of committees. What we don’t hear about are the vast amounts of people it takes to put on a campaign. These campaigns are not unlike the running of a users group. Although the reward is greater for those </text>
<text>individuals running.AMUG has many services which are offered to its members. Unfortunately some of these services have been offered by the same people for many years now. These people have devoted many hours each week to provide their particularservice so that others may enjoy it. It is said that a good organization breeds successors. This is particularly true in sports. A good manager </text>
<name>Mac OPinion</name>
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<text><span class="style5">IRUS</span><span class="style1">BootBlock Writer SystemBundAid 1.0Disinfectant 2.5.1DiskFirstAid 1.3DiskTimer IIDMFIXFix DeskTop 2.0FixData 1.0FloppyFixer 1.0Gatekeeper Aid 1.1Vaccine v1.0.1Virus Encyclopedia</span><span class="style5">Virus II</span><span class="style1">Gatekeeper 1.2.1GuardDog 2.3HyperVirus 1.4NVIR RepairRepair MacWriteRival 9-17-91SerialFixVirus Definitions for SAM </span><span class="style5">Virus III</span><span class="style1">Intro to Viruses 2.3Virus Blockade II Ltd 2.0Virus MonitorVirus Rx1.6</span><span class="style5">Virus IV</span><span class="style1">Postscript Vaccine 1.03VirusDetective 5.0</span></text>
<text>AMUG has 7 Best of... Clip Art Disks. Since names cannot fully describe the pictures, See the Disk Librarians and ask to see the Clip Art Index Book. This book shows the contents of ALL the Clip Art Disks</text>
<text><span class="style5">OUNDS</span><span class="style1">Soundmaster 1.6ArcadeBells of EternityBeetlegeuseBoom! Oooooh…!Butthead!“Bye”DrumFemale “Hi!”Game over, man!Had enough, ay!Hi ThereI order you to be...I’m being repressedI warned youInsert DiskJazz PianoK.LetmeoutahereKlaxonNice SoftwarePersonality Prob.Parker NightPukeRicochetRoboticSambaSonarSpace GunTaunt you a secondTympani RollTypeKeyTypeReturnType SpaceWelcome</span><span class="style5">SOUNDS II</span><span class="style1">Soundmaster 1.6AmadeusBassoon & ‘BoneBetter BoingBingBreaking GlassCasio (try me)Clint EastwoodDon’t go yet…Drop of WaterGo ahead, make myHave you been studying?Laughing WarningTennis?Tympani (2)What do we have</span><span class="style5">SOUNDS III</span><span class="style1">Soundmaster 1.6Deep ThoughtEddie ComputerHorsesIdiot!MacFartTa Ta for nowSelf Destruct…Sledge FluteWild WillyYeah, Yeah, That’s</span><span class="style5">SOUNDS IV</span><span class="style1">Soundmaster 1.6Change Your MindCrash!Don’t be ridicerousEnd of Line (2)Go ahead…Greetings Program!How do you feelIllegal ExitKeaggy beepLook up in the sky…Magic (2)Nyuk NyukSambaSo Very DisappointedThis Chic Is ToastTrying to thinkWelcomeWhat???WOOBWOOBYabba Dabba DoYYYYessss</span><span class="style5">SOUNDS V</span><span class="style1">A contrary positionBeepShuffle (appl.)CrossCrossQuite an insultLooney Toons folderSoundPlay (appl.)Shut your festering…This is abuseYr type really makes…</span></text>
<text><span class="style5">BS FILES</span><span class="style1">A comprehensive listing of all items/files available on the AMUG BBS</span></text>
<text>More Games!! Try out Vengeance, MacBzone, MacMines, Slime Invaders and Video Poker for Fun are on Games 36. PRO Predictor 1.1 (predicts the outcome of NFL games) and Star Patrol (a super space game) are on Games 37.We are introducing a new Limited Edition series compiled by AMUG’s own Don Lloyd (meet him at the Best of… table, or the Club House. This series includes software is used to set up networks, to run on networks, or to use networks effectively. Networks I has FileMover 1.01, Find Entity 1.0b, Game Master 1.0, AtView 1.0 and Broadcast 2.0. Networks II is also crammed with useful programs: DiskLock, DoppleMaker, Ecco Print, Filesorter, Find Printer, FolderShare, INIT Loader, MailSlot, NetCal and NetClip. As with all Best of… disks, each of these has a ReadMe that provides a brief definition of each the item.</text>
<text>The Word 5.0 Companion has been ordered twice and sold out twice. If you have missed your copy, don’t give up. More are coming; check with Best of…, or the Clubhouse.. There is a new book title, Dead Mac Scrolls from PeachPit Press. If this is up to PeachPit’s usual standards, it will be great. Subject matter is what to do when your Mac is no longer “a terminal” but instead “is terminal.” Lastly, the AMUG “company store” will be carrying a trial line of Apple™ promotional items. There will be a snazzy black/multi Apple T-shirt for $12, coffee mugs for $8, Apple/AMUG pen and pencil sets for $5 and Apple pencils for $.80. Which of these items we continue to carry will be decided, more or less, by how well they sell. So come take a look and vote by buying your favorite.</text>
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<text>introduced was to assist those who were switching over to the new operating system and needed the various updates, upgrades, patches, and fixes. We believe this goal has been met. So if you plan to migrate to System 7.0 any time soon and have not yet looked these over, do plan to get them soon.Goodies V has Balloon Font Utilities, FileBrowser, Globe 7.0, SFComment, Sound Extractor, Spared Disk, Stationer, Task-It, TrashMaster and Visage! Goodies VI also has a ton of “goodies”, including: Bully, Custom Killer, DeIcon, Desktop Remover, FixCreator Pro, Folder IconMaker, Keyholder, LaunchPad, Locksmith, Loudmouth, MenuChoice, NoBalloon Menu, RecoverUp, Rename Delay Editor and Scan Appl. Puff, Puff, Puff - I did that all without taking a breath! Watch the Directory for descriptions of these little critters.</text>
<text>At last some of the promised additions tothe Clip Art. Clip Art VIII has clip art samples from Richard Wald’s collection (informattion for ordering more is included. Clip Art IX has cars, animals, American history and more. IX also has a stand-alone paint/draw application called Lighting Paint 1.1. As of the writing of this column, I have not tried it out, but my Hero has and he says it has all the normal accoutrements.If you are a fan of AfterDark™, then you will snap up Modules/Pics 5. Balloons, Columns, Randomizer, Rockets, Spinner, Satori, Spheres, just to name a few. My personal favorites for my Apple 13” color monitor are Satori (a kaleidoscope of color) and Spinner (a lovely, lacey design). My Hero uses Spinner on his SE and it looks great in black and white .</text>
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<text><span class="style1">Get out your glasses, fans, there is a lot to tell you and I imagine the font size for this month’s column will have to be minuscule. My Hero (with a little help from his friends) came through with a long list of new material for the Best of… disks. Also, our Fearless Leader has added some new Apple™ toys for you all to play with.</span><span class="style5">UPDATES:</span><span class="style1"> System 7.0 Goodies I now has the updates for CETools, Helium and </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">nd System 7 Startup Screens; Goodies IIthe newest Sound Converter (version 1.22) Goodies III includes updates for AppDisk, Behierarchic and TrashMan; and Goodies IV has an updated System 7 Pack.Virus I has Disinfectant 2.7.1; Virus II contains the updates for Rival and SAM with current definitions (including the 1984 INIT virus); and Virus IV has Virus Detective 5.03. Now would be a good time to review the status of your anti-virus software.</span><span class="style5">NEW STUFF</span><span class="style1">: Two new System 7 Goodies disks have been added. These will be the last in the series. We will maintain the Goodies set till the end of the year, then merge their contents with the standard issues. The purpose for which these disks were initially </span></text>
<name>Best of...</name>
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<text><span class="style1">cripting), and introduction to Sounds on the Macintosh. The class is from 600 to 8:30 PM at Phoenix college.</span><span class="style5">May 23, 1992</span><span class="style1"> (Thursday)Hints, Tips, and Traps about Apple’s System 7 software. The class is from 9:00 to 12:00 AM at the Pyle Recreation Center. You may bring a Macintosh if you desire, but it is not necessary. If you do bring a Mac, bring a power strip and/or extension cord if you have them available).</span><span class="style5">Jun 17, 1992</span><span class="style1"> (Wednesday)NOTE: this class is tentatively planned; make sure it is confirmed in the June Newsletter, otherwise call in advance. The class is from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Phoenix college. Demonstration of Excel 4.0 by MicroSoft Personnel.</span><span class="style5">Jun 27, 1992 </span><span class="style1">(Saturday)NOTE: this class is tentatively planned;</span></text>
<text>make sure it is confirmed in the June Newsletter, otherwise call in advance. All about Fonts. The class is from 9:00 to 12:00 AM at the Pyle Recreation Center.</text>
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<text><span class="style11"></span><span class="style5">MUG </span><span class="style11">A</span><span class="style5">nnounces:</span><span class="style17">A New Series of Classes</span><span class="style5"></span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style5">Training Coordinator</span><span class="style1">:Dorman Bullard (telephone: days at 379-6168) Other Instructors as noted.• Pyle recreation center in Tempe. On Southern Avenue just West of Rural Road (next to the library)or.• Phoenix College Library (building L in the basement). Park in the lot at 15th Avenue and Thomas Road.• Cost: Normally free to members (except as noted in the class description). Non members may join at the class ($30.00 per year).</span></text>
<text><span class="style1"> Reservations: Normally •NOT• Required (except as noted in the class description). When required or for more information call Dorman Bullard (962-9619, days).• Computers: It is not necessary or helpful to bring a computer except as noted in the class description.</span><span class="style5">May 9, 1992</span><span class="style1"> (Saturday)QuickTime. What it is; how to install it; How to use it. Demonstrations of many interesting movies. Perhaps we’ll make some at the class. The class is from 9:00 to 12:00 AM at the Pyle Recreation Center.</span><span class="style5">May 13, 1992</span><span class="style1"> (Wednesday)Beginner’s introduction to HyperCard (no </span></text>
<name>AMUG Training</name>
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<text>color sets to choose from.The various names help identify what to expect from the color sets. Mint will be a pastel set up mint colors, rambo will be a set of black, brown, and greens used in camouflage clothing, etc.With the fifteen sets, there’s some sets that seem close to the shades of other sets. In some sets, too (denim, for example), everything merely a different shade of blue. This could be confusing if you use you colors to help identify folders and programs by type.As a diversion, it works well. I think it would make a much better control panel that worked under MultiFinder than a program you have to exit everything for and use with Finder.While I liked the program, it’s lack of System 7 compatibility puts it out of my </text>
<text>With System 7’s built in ability to change individual colors, this program would make an excellent Cpanel to create and store color sets.</text>
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<text>screen, similar to turning the brightness switch down.The program has several options built in. The time can be varied form one minute to 120 minutes, and the brightness to dim to can be varied from 0% (pitch black) to 100% (or not dimmed at all… a self-defeating option).You can choose what corners your want to dim now and dim never. The dim never option is actually a trick, as pressing the option key while in dimmer will let you set a second set of options. These are the “When to dim when the mouse is in the dim never corner” options. While this may seem strange, if you forget about what you’re doing or accidently leave with your mouse in the “Dim never” corner, you’ll appreciate them.For the completely foolish, after two hours </text>
<text>turns the earth into a blur.The options that worked best with this program were the full 256 color or grey scale (with color obviously being better). With the subtle shading as the picture approaches the poles of the earth, nothing else seemed to make it look just right.This program does have some problems, none due to its own fault. It takes up about 384k, actually using about half of it after it finishes it’s initial bitmap processing, according to “About this Mac. . .” The bitmap processing takes about five seconds. When other programs are running (with Globe in the background), the animation of the spinning earth becomes slower.</text>
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<text>While this program goes one step beyond the wallpaper type programs I’ve seen which use many large pictures repeated on the screen, ColorDesk is not without it’s drawbacks. It gulps up to 300k of memory for these color pictures in 8-bit mode. With a 12 meg Mac IIci, I didn’t have much of a problem, but older systems with less than 4 meg might want to skip this program.A very minor problem noted was the help instructions. When opening them, they’re centered on the ColorDesk control panel. This caused me some confusion since I called the help screen up with the Cpanel on the left side of the screen, thus cutting off the non-moveable help window. Not being the brightest user, it took me a while to realize I had to exit the help screen and move the Cpanel to have the instructions become fully visible.The only other difference you might </text>
<text>notice from your normal computer operations is an occasional short pause (less than a half of a second) for the computer to redraw the screen after you shut a window. This only happens about one out of ten windows, and may be related to the 32-bit problem.This program comes with three pictures; Galyn’s Sunset, a beautiful sunset scene; Screen Gems 3, a little advertisement that looks pretty good; and Tiles, a set of light blue tiles. Rather than me tell you how much I like ColorDesk, let me explain what happened at the March AMUG meeting. Everyone who saw my screen wanted to know what the program was and where I got it.</text>
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<text>The program “Screen Gems” by Microseeds Publishing, is actually a collection of three utilities and two accessories. They are:• ColorDesk A wallpaper program that pastes a picture in you desktop.• Dimmer A screen saver that blanks the screen.• Switch-A-Roo An Fkey that will switch between monitor settings• Globe A spinning globe on your desktop• TN-3 A color replacement program for the FinderWhile I will review each item separately, the programs suffer from a collective problem.Like many programs today, they are not 32-bit clean. I called the Microseeds company and they promised to send me an updated copy containing 32-bit clean programs immediately, without waiting for proof of purchase. This kind of trust and </text>
<text>inside their boxes. Using the Bold command changes the TFCrossword from one face to the other. Numbers 1 through 180 are available. You change the size of the puzzle by changing the type size (use equal leading to keep the lines tight). Do not use kerning or tracking with this font. The black and plain white boxes are created with the Shifted accent grave key (to the left of the numeral “1” on your keyboard). Use a carriage return at the end of each line (not textwrap). A full complement of international characters are included.~``12345ABCDE~~``//~~`ß^~¯˘¿~~Lastly, a quick word about Treacyfaces. They have an excellent and professional-level line of fonts with extended character sets (including built-in fractions), and up to 3800 kerning pairs. </text>
<text>To see more, you should get the Treacyfaces catalog (it’s free!). Call 215-896-0860, write Treacyfaces, Inc., P. O. Box 466, Narberth, PA 19072-0465. If you are in the market for the best, these are the right ones baby, uh huh, uh huh!!</text>
<text>with the word descriptions (to get them to fit on the page), and an hour to get the solution done. It would have taken about half that except I was having so much fun, I forgot to Save and lost over a half an hour’s work. After several choice words to myself, I finished in about 15 minutes. (By the way, I do not insult my computer. It doesn’t get mad, it gets even at the most inopportune moments.)Then I opened TyleStyler™ and played with several of that application’s special effects. Although it was a tiny bit slow because of the complexity of the font, TypeStyler never stumbled once. Some of the results were rather impressive! Both Adobe Illustrator™ and Aldus FreeHand™ seemed to enjoy TFCrossword and there were no hitches or glitches. I did not try UltraPaint™ or Canvas™, but the font was so well-behaved, I cannot imagine any difficulties. </text>
<text>Printing did not prove to be a problem. My aging LaserWriter Plus and TFCrossword were happy with each other. Crossword printed as quickly as any other downloadable font.I must say, I am sorry I waited to try this wonderful font. Although I realize it is somewhat limited in its use (I’m not smart enough to set around and write crossword puzzles), it is a great design tool. There were several samples in the Step-by-Step article using TFCrossword in a graphic design and I’m sure you can think of other ideas.A few vital statistics are in order. This is a monospaced font (even the spacebar) with two faces, TFPuzzle and TFSolution. The numerals and letters are already placed </text>
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<text><span class="style1">The TF Crossword fonts automatically type squares filled with numbers, letters,solid black or empty. )Jeffrey Keyser, Fry Communications, Inc. produced this puzzle based on typesetting and prepress terms. </span><span class="style28">S</span><span class="style1">everal months ago, I read an article in Step-by-Step Electronic Design (November 1991, Vol. 3, No. 11) written by Janet Ashford. It featured TFCrossword from Treacyfaces of Ardmore, PA. The article and illustrations prompted me to call and ask for a review copy. Joe Treacy was extremely helpful. (Yes, he answers his own phone.) He sent a big stack of On Balance, The Treacyfaces Font Newsletter, as well as the Crossword font.</span></text>
<text>Well, one thing led to another and I did not get the review written. To be honest, I looked at the “Keyboard Layout” card and thought, “Whoa! I’d better do this when I have a bit more time to do it justice.” With MacWorld, regular meetings, SIG meetings and vendor stuff and lending my Hero a hand with Best of…, I simply did not get to it until this weekend.I glanced at the loading instructions and there was nothing new. So I stuffed it into an already overloaded Font File and opened QuarkXPress and started typing. I used the Step-by-Step crossword by Jeffrey Keyser of Fry Communications, Inc. (not local) to practice. It took all of about an hour to do the main crossword that is included in this issues of AMUG News, another hour to fool </text>
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<text>.................................. Mike Bromley</text>
<text>DeltaGraph Pro™ 2.0 is system 7.0 “savvy’’ with 7.0 features, such as balloon help, publish and subscribe, apple events, etc. It also is supposed to be set for 32 bit addressing but this feature was not tested.DeltaGraph Pro™ comes with a bound manual crammed with illustrations and detailed instructions covering every feature. I especially liked the chapter that listed all the menus, commands & functions of each. Handy and quick reference.DeltaGraph Pro™ 2.0 lists for $299 and upgrades from version 1.0 and 1.5 are $69.95. Despite a few shortcomings noted with data manipulation and import features, I was impressed with the power of DeltaGraph Pro’s charting & presentation tools. It does need some refinements with data entry features but if you have data that you need to present to an audience , DeltaGraph has</text>
<text>the tools to provide you with a “class act” presentation. </text>
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<text>DeltaGraph Pro 2.0</text>
<text>.................................. Mike Bromley</text>
<text>graphic, including a chart, can be stored If the custom library is loaded into DeltaGraph’s AutoLibrary Folder, the library is accessible from the chart window for quick use in a chart presentation. DeltaGraph also provides sample Libraries where many useful examples of clip art (in both PICT & EPS format) can be selected and used. “Using” is as easy as a click and a drag. A DeltaGraph™ Clip Art Library “mini” manual comes with the program which shows all clip art that is included with the program.Another new feature is DeltaGraph Pro’s Slide Show. The chart windows become the slides and can contain anything created therein (i.e., graphic objects, clip art, text, etc.). Once all of the desired chart windows are assembled , “Slide Show” is selected from the Windows menu and the slide show is named, a Slide Sorter window opens </text>
<text>showing all of the slides available. Individual slides can be selected and a thumbnail view of any slide can be previewed. When satisfied with the slides selected and their appearance, the “OK” Button is selected and the slide presentation is ready. Further editing can be done to customize Slide transitions, timing and sound effects. QuickTime movies can also be included in the slide show and “stand alone” slide shows can be created and run on Macs where the DeltaGraph program is not available. The DeltaGraph manual goes into quite some detail on how to run slide show 3D Chart/ 3D Ribbon Chartpresentations when memory is limited and how to use the “Draw Delay” feature when slide transitions are not available. </text>
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<text>DeltaGraph Pro 2.0</text>
<text>.................................. Mike Bromley</text>
<text>tools and palettes for drawing the shapes normally found in draw programs and changing colors, patterns and line weights. Some of the more useful tools included: a Bezier Curve Tool, an Arc Tool a Freehand an Arrow Tool. The viewing angle on 3D charts and their orientation on the viewing plane can be edited; excellent measuring tools are available that allow changes in as small as 5 degree amounts. Just about all 3D chart elements can be customized and a “Show” button allows changes to be previewed before they are actually made.DeltaGraph Pro is able to import PICT & EPSF files and Movie files, such as QuickTime movies. It can export PICT, EPSF and Adobe Illustrator/Aldus Freehand (2.0 or newer) format files. It cannot import from the Scrapbook, unless the graphic comes from a DeltaGraph’s special “Slide</text>
<text>Sorter” window (discussed later). It can be linked with Excel worksheets through system 7.0’s publish & subscribe feature. I imported a couple of PICT files to test the program’s import features and found that they came into DeltaGraph with a large amount of white space around them. Unfortunately no cropping tool was available to eliminate the white space, while maintaining the proportions of the graphic . Other than this, objects could be manipulated well with the various Shift/Option/Command-drag combinations available and prevalent in most draw/layout programs.One of DeltaGraph’s new features is the Custom Library. Here a template of any </text>
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<text>DeltaGraph Pro 2.0</text>
<text>.................................. Mike Bromley</text>
<text><span class="style1">riented to the left. The frequency and placement of labels along the axes are also editable as are the major/minor ticks/grids. A “Set All” command allows editing of more than one axis at a time. Decide how you want a value displayed for each series and where you want it displayed on the chart... at the axis, in the middle, end or outside of the data graphic. I was even able to create a “hanging” chart by manipulating the axis & labels on a column chart! </span><span class="style5">Hanging chart</span><span class="style1">Text is inserted into the chart window in a text box and a text ruler automatically pops up to aid in the formatting of indents, tabs & margins. Fonts, their styles, sizes, alignment, etc., can of course be edited.</span><span class="style5">Blend Pict</span><span class="style1">DeltaGraph even has a spelling checker with a 117,000 word dictionary to make </span></text>
<text> sure your text (as well as all chart text) is correct! Color can be edited (works in CMYK and RGB colors) as well as patterns, line weights and borders, legends. Legends can be customized, and tables can automatically be “attached” to any charts. To “jazz up” a presentation, DeltaGraph Pro offers from the menu, the ability to add special backgrounds and blends. Through the Draw menu, the drawing grid can be utilized for precise placement of draw objects which can be rotated, flipped, locked, grouped/ungrouped and emphasized with drop shadows. A “tear off” tool palette is available with </text>
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<text>DeltaGraph Pro 2.0</text>
<text>.................................. Mike Bromley</text>
<text><span class="style1">arieties of the latter) and combination charts , there are several special charts devoted to text charting, such as bullet, organizational & time line charts. Some technical enhancements have been added to many of the charts, one such being the inclusion of error bars to graphically depict error probability and another allowing customized curve fitting.</span><span class="style5">Examples of Charts</span><span class="style1">After the data is entered onto either the Data Page or the Text Page, specific data is selected for charting and chart selection is elicited by selecting the Plotting Icon on the menu bar. This brings up a selection of available charts and subcharts. Only charts that CAN be plotted by the data selected are shown. Once selected, the chart is drawn and appears in a chart window. The chart can then be selected and customized or edited. I did discover, somewhat innocently, that Now Utilities‘ Print</span></text>
<text>Previewer™I did not agree with DeltaGraph’s plotting feature as the result was an instant bomb. A quick reset to my printer cured the problem. I was pleased with the degree of “fine tuning” that could be done in DeltaGraph™. Virtually every chart element can be edited to some degree!Chart Axes (both value and category)can be modified to show different minimum/maximum values, different increments and different scaling (i.e., linear, logarithmic, etc) can be obtained. Other axis attributes such as length and placement can be changed. As an example, the Y axis can be placed at the right end of an X axis, effectively making the chart </text>
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<text>.................................. Mike Bromley</text>
<text>font, font size, style etc.... all typical features of most, if not all, spreadsheet programs.I explored these features minimally during my testing of DeltaGraph™ as I soon became absorbed by the program’s charting features. Some of the editing features were a bit disappointing.... individual cells could not be customized as to font style or size (changing one font changed all on the data/text page) and there was no undo function for sorting. The formula builder worked only when complete columns were selected and included any numeric labels in the calculated totals. Thus a column label of 1991 (meaning the year 1991) , added the number 1991 to the totals. A bit frustrating but easily worked around when text was added to the label.I did like the transpose feature which </text>
<text>allowed columns & rows to be exchanged. Another good feature was the ability to set windows to be shown either tiled, stacked or side by side. There is a menu command to delete chart and background windows, especially useful when the chart was wrong for the presentation. Curiously, chart windows often reappeared after being deleted and I was never able to solve this anomaly.After seeing only moderate functionality in the program’s editing and manipulating features, I was a bit apprehensive about it’s charting features. I soon discovered that this was the program’s real forte. Forty (40) different charts are featured in the program. Besides the typical, column, bar, line & area charts, their 3D counterparts (10 </text>
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<text>DeltaGraph Pro 2.0</text>
<text>.................................. Mike Bromley</text>
<text>Having spent most of my adult working life in finance, I’ve had to do a lot of “number crunching.” Since the onset of my Mac addiction, I’ve dabbled with some of the spreadsheet programs but only recently have I seriously tried to “dig in” and learn any in depth.After a fair amount of study with Microsoft’s Excel 3.0, I was eager to see how DeltaGraph Professional might compare. After some initial exploration, it was evident to me that these two programs should NOT be compared. Excel’s strength lies in it’s data manipulating capabilities while DeltaGraph Professional’s lies in it’s graphing capabilities. Having explored both, I feel they greatly compliment one another.Deltagraph Professional is a large program to install ( 5.4 megs ). The program comes complete with sample & tutorial files, a </text>
<text><span class="style1">ictionary & help file, template file, clipart libraries and a special DeltaSymbol font used with some of the charts. An installer guides you through either an “Easy install” or a “Customize install.”</span><span class="style5">Data Page/ Text Page</span><span class="style1">Data is entered either onto a “Data Page” (numerical/text data for table charts) or on a “Text Page” (text data for organizational/bullet charts). The Data Page is the familiar spreadsheet page complete with cells, columns, rows and the like with data being entered through an editing line and navigation throughout the page accomplished with various tabbing, arrow and return keystrokes or keystroke combinations. Once entered, the data can be edited, sorted, and customized by changing </span></text>
<name>DeltaGraph Pro 2.0</name>
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<text>Redux Review</text>
<text>........................................ L. Frank Turovich</text>
<text>Figure 3. Filter Controls windows.The script is easily modified in the script editor included with Redux, or any text editor by typing in the script commands or by using filters. The Filter Controls windows makes it very easy to quickly add or delete specific files from a backup script.In conclusion, Redux seems to have all the features required for efficient backup software. Redux makes it very easy to backup an entire disk. Just select the disk to backup and it walks you through the entire procedure, quickly and easily. For more advanced backups, the Filter Controls and Script Window make is building custom backup scripts nearly painless. There were some cutesy animations present in a couple of windows that I disliked, but not enough to make me avoid the program.</text>
<text>With all that said I highly recommend Redux 1.63 for all your backup purposes.</text>
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<text>Redux Review</text>
<text>........................................ L. Frank Turovich</text>
<text>The Redux software came in a neatly packaged unit that included a manual and disk. Unlike many software packages, Microseeds Publishing has made a serious effort to combat the amount of plastic waste. The entire package contains only two plastic sealers an inch in diameter to keep the package together. A welcome relief to find a product not covered with an impenetrable barrier. The software was easy to install and only requried 264K of disk space.Figure 1. Redux screen with folder information display.The default Redux screen opens to enable you to quickly save or restore an entire disk’s contents. To begin a backup operation, choose the disk to backup in the scrolling list and then press the Backup button. Information about the selected disk is displayed in the lower-left portion of </text>
<text>the window. Redux then walks you through the backup process quickly without hassle. To restore a disk’s contents is just as easy.Figure 2. Custom backups Script windows.Redux also offers a scripting feature that makes custom backups nearly painless to perform. As you select or de-select folders or files in the scrolling file list Redux keeps track of the selections by folder, file type, and several other attributes in a script. You can save this script to disk to enable you to easily repeat the selection process. For example, Figure 2 shows a sample script where all system files and applications are ignored, but all TEXT files will be backed up.</text>
<name>Redux Review</name>
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<text>When attempting to save a HAMlet, I created a new folder in the Apple menu from the “Save Hamlet” dialog box. Upon saving and closing the box I could not find the new folder in the scrolling list of Apple Menu Items in the control panel until I closed the HAM control panel and reopened it.Finally, after my earlier raves about the documentation, I hesitate to mention this next item. I found that when the “Recent Items” menu feature is turned off, the Start-Up HAMlet would not work. In addition, even though the program seemed to make a HAMlet, if I tried to customize it I found that it included nothing and invoking the HAMlet later caused nothing to happen. The documentation does not say anything about the need for the “Recent Items” menu to create HAMlets. I called the technical hotline about this and the guy tried it on his Mac before agreeing with</text>
<text>me and stating that it wasn’t supposedto work this way. (So the documentation can still be considered excellent, it’s the program that has a problem...)All in all, my recommendation is to get a hierarchial Apple Menu somewhere but I would have a tough time justifying the cost for HAM with only that desired feature. You can find it combined with other utilities in other utility packages and you will probably be able to get a better deal for your money.</text>
<text>..........................................................David A. Fechser</text>
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<text>..........................................................David A. Fechser</text>
<text>organizer utilities such as HAM. He stated that HAM was the only program of the three he tested which could not be made to crash his system. While I never got a system crash I did get some oddities when using HAM.When I first created a folder in the Apple Menu Items folder and added several programs into the folder HAM gave me some strange results. The items in that folder appeared in the HAM dialog window as suitcases. They showed up in the top level Apple Menu as such and could not be reordered with the rest of the Apple Menu Items folder contents. As contents of a subfolder they should not have shown up at all. I fixed this by storing the folder elsewhere and storing an alias of the folder in the Apple Menu Items folder. I called the help line about this and was told it “shouldn’t happen” and that I should remove HAM, turn off all extensions, and </text>
<text>reinstall HAM.When trying to invoke Microsoft Word (4.0) from a submenu, Word would open without the untitled document that is always normally invoked. Personally, I consider this a Feature to be advertised as I hate those untitled documents. I had another problem with HAM in conjunction with Microsoft Word. I found that whenever I invoked a submenu of the Apple Menu with Word open the Apple Menu icon would remain highlighted until I clicked it with the mouse. I called the technical help line about this and it was explained by saying they hadn’t tested HAM with Word. I was then told to remove HAM, turn off all extensions, (you get the idea)...</text>
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<text>..........................................................David A. Fechser</text>
<text>real hindrance to my productivity. The Hierarchial Apple Menu is addictive, once you try it you won’t want to give it up. This is also true for the Apple Menu Reorganization capabilities. I considered these “must have” items both at home and at work after trying them.I quickly turned off the “Recent Items” menu option and eliminated that folder from the Apple Menu. This was not only due to the reasons listed above but also due to the fact that there is a significant and irritating delay when invoking, quitting, or closing every new document, program, server, etc. when this option is turned on.I also got rid of the Start-Up HAMlet real quick. I don’t always WANT all items open at shut-down to be reopened when I restart. It is much easier to create HAMlets of those combinations of items I use together and invoke one of these at </text>
<text>start-up. This also had the same problem as the “Recent Items” submenu in that, when the option is on, there is a significant delay with many Finder activities. I don’t know why this is as I would have expected HAM to simply poll the active items at shut-down and create the HAMlet at that time. I can’t see how this would contribute to a delay in every invocation/closure of an item.HAMlets turned out to be quite useful though I wish there were an easier way to save one than having to go to the Control Panels. A Hot Key or DA would be nice.Now for problems: One thing that endeared me to HAM was an item I read in MacWorld comparing several different desktop </text>
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<text>..........................................................David A. Fechser</text>
<text>allowing the user easy access to several concurrently needed programs at once. I used this to open Powerpoint and Word at the same time. I also, however, found this to be a nice feature when I wanted to open Word with several documents in different folders. A single HAMlet can handle either of these capabilities with ease.There is a special HAMlet which can be activated causing HAM to track open items and store these at power-down. Upon power-up, this HAMlet is automatically run, opening all these documents for the user at startup. Unlike other HAMlets, this HAMlet cannot be edited by the user (this would be tough to do as it is created only at shut-down).One item that deserves special mention in this review is the documentation accompanying HAM. The only word for this is “excellent”. The documentation </text>
<text>includes pictures and simply worded instructions regarding every operation. Terms which may be unfamiliar to beginning Mac users are explained in the wide margins. There is even an Appendix section describing ways to customize HAM from within ResEdit. This has some very useful ideas, some of which would be welcome options even for non-programmers; such as arranging the Appleshare Server items in hierarchal menu format by Appleshare zone and server name, or reorganizing the Recent Items menu folder.In reviewing any Utility program features the question arises “Is it worth it?”. I found some features in HAM particularly useful, and some not so useful, and others to be a </text>
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<text>..........................................................David A. Fechser</text>
<text>without them now, they just have their limits when one wants to use the Apple Menu for fast access to programs.Another feature of HAM is a “Recent Items” folder which is added to your Apple Menu (as a submenu, of course). This tracks invocations of programs, documents, flie servers, and folders, keeping them in separate submenus for reinvocation later. The program is very flexible, allowing the user to set up in a control panel exactly how many of each item (docs, folders, apps, and servers) should be saved. While this is a neat idea, I found that I never used it except in cases where I was specifically testing HAM. With the capability of placing my most used items in the Apple Menu already (in System 7.0) I saw no need to ever access this submenu as it usually contained only my most used items anyway.</text>
<text>Another problem here was that everything was buried in a fairly deep submenu, meaning concentration was needed to open all the way down to the desired submenu. HAM gives the user the opportunity to change this as I will discuss later.HAM also has something called HAMlets. Any time you are working on several different docs, programs, etc., you can use the control panel to save a HAMlet. A HAMlet is sort of like an alias but is aliased to everything open when the HAMlet is created. This is a nice feature and has the added capability of allowing the user to do some selection, deciding which currently open items will be included in the HAMlet.This is supposed to be directed towards </text>
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<text>..........................................................David A. Fechser</text>
<text><span class="style5">ierarchial Apple Menu</span><span class="style1">Before reviewing this utility I had read several previous reviews in Mac publications which had caused me to become excited over the possibilities suggested by this concept. Since installing System 7 I have added often used programs and documents to my Apple Menu until it scrolled well off the bottom of my screen. The chance to add Hierarchal Menus seemed a dream come true.Upon installing and utilizing HAM (version 1.0) I became aware of it’s other capabilities which are not so widely advertised. Each of these capabilities is configurable from a Control Panel which is well organized and easy to understand. I will address each of these capabilities in order in this article.The ability to display folders in the Apple Menu as submenus immediately allowed me </span></text>
<text>to shrink my Apple menu down to a far more reasonable size. HAM has the added ability of allowing the user to reorganize the Apple menu. This allowed me to put my most used projects at the top of the menu and bury little-used DAs lower down or in folders (submenus).HAM supports several levels of hierarchy in the submenus but I found that anything more than two levels deep took too much concentration to use. After all, I was looking for EASY and FAST, not complicated. I also found that, for my most used items, one submenu was too many and the reorganization capabilities became very important. Don’t get the wrong idea that I didn’t use the submenus because I did, extensively, and don’t want to get along </text>
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<text><span class="style1">re reencrypted before the Restart! This is almost a foolproof way to preserve data integrity! </span><span class="style5">Extras</span><span class="style1">FileGuard can also be used in coordination with the MacAccess Card reader. This reader will read any ATM or credit card in place of/or with a password.It also has an exceptions file for your backup software. Just specify what backup program you are using & when the time rolls around, FileGuard will let it do its thing. This is something that some security packages won’t allow.</span><span class="style5">Summary</span><span class="style1">All in all, FileGuard is one of the best all-round security programs available. Forget the conflict causing INITS, Screen locker F-keys, & all the misc. jazz out there. </span></text>
<text>This one has it all, from a screen saver / locker to full blown users & groups configuration.Although the review version (2.5/2h) wasn’t System 7 compatible, by the time this goes to press, a System 7 Savvy version will be shipping. For upgrade information, you can call ASD Software at (714) 624-2594.</text>
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<text><span class="style5">ar Story</span><span class="style1">Enough about specs, what you really want is a war story, right?Well, last semester, my sister wanted to borrow my Mac for use on some college term papers. For being so nice, she said that I could name any program I wanted, & one of the fellows would get it for me. Yeah, right! I had a vision of my programs being “shared.”Did I worry? Not as much as I would have if I had not installed FileGuard. I simply made her a user, assigned her a password, but I did not give her the ability to copy applications.Since I had already password & copy - protected all the important applications – like Teach Text,(smile) – I really didn’t have anything to worry about!</span></text>
<text><span class="style1">id she mind? Well, she was a little put out over the fact that she had to log on every time she wanted to use the Mac, but she soon got over it.I did get a phone call from her, saying that for some reason she couldn’t copy off anything, (for her own personal use, of course). </span><span class="style5">Failure?</span><span class="style1">So far, FileGuard has yet to fail me. Whenever I start from another floppy, I must enter the password for the internal hard disk just to get it to mount!</span><span class="style5">What if I crash?</span><span class="style1">A real big +, is that If you ever crash, ALL files that were encrytped and are now open, </span></text>
<name>Review #4</name>
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<text><span class="style1">View User Log (Yourself or all users)•Create Files on Hard Disks•Automatic Dialog when Saving FilesFileGuard’s operation is almost invisible. Its only sign (besides the startup icon) is a menu item named “Protection.” Under this Menu the functions of FileGuard are made available. This Menu is accessible in every application that can access DAs, (not Font/DA Mover). You can hide this menu if you like, but it stays hidden only until the next restart. </span><span class="style5">File Encryption</span><span class="style1">Whenever you create a new file or do a Save As..., FileGuard pops up a dialog box asking if you want to encrypt the file.Files that have been encrypted can be opened just like any other kind of file. Just click on them, they launch FileGuard- which asks for the password, & then it opens the application that created the </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">he original file.</span><span class="style5">Protecting Folders & Etc.</span><span class="style1">Protecting Folders, Disks, & Applications is just as easy. You can do it by selecting the corresponding command under the Protection menu. In protecting applications, FileGuard offers not only copy- protection, but also launch limited & time limited protection. Have a file that you wanted to share with someone, but didn’t want to give that application away? You could create a demo (read crippled) program that would survive only a specified period of time or certain # of launches. The legality of this is questionable, but the option is there.</span></text>
<name>Review #4</name>
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<text> In these days of high-priced programs, many are striving to receive what others have spent much to obtain. Some people are simply curious about another’s business and feel the urge to snoop into files or computers that aren’t theirs.Like in the days of yore, when the knight on horseback came to save the day, disk, folder, file protection and encryption programs have emerged onto this twisted scene.One of the better & just slightly expensive programs is FileGuard, a security application that has received an excellent review in MacWorld & a 5- mouse rating in MacUser.As soon as I opened the package, I was impressed with the manual’s thoroughness. Well-written and easy to </text>
<text><span class="style1">ead, this 66 page manual stands out as an example of good writing.After reading it through, I was just 4 double-clicks and a restart away from protection.</span><span class="style5">Starting out</span><span class="style1">Assigning Priviliges to the different users was a breeze, (all the functions are explained in the book). Some privileges are:•Inserting Disks•Protect Volumes and Applications •Protect Folders & Files•Erase Disks•Copy Applications•Moving Icons in Protected Folders•Decrypt Files Permanently•Make Invisible Files</span></text>
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<text>Apple Market Center</text>
<text>..................A Unique Resource</text>
<text>The Apple Market Center in Phoenix is designed to showcase the latest in Apple's technology and solutions, and provide a local hub for market activities including seminars, demonstrations and customer meetings.The Market Center also serves as a new tool for Apple business partners - including our Authorized Apple Dealers, Value-Added Resellers, consultants and other third party solution providers - working together with Apple to promote the Macintosh advantage.In addition to the general attendance seminars listed below, the Market Center sponsors open houses for new product announcements, specially designed third-party events, and customer demonstrations specifically designed to meet the needs of an individual Apple account.</text>
<text><span class="style5">ate Seminar Co-Sponsor Times</span><span class="style1">May. 4 Electronic Publishing Solutions Artistic 9 - 11 or 1 - 3May. 5 Electronic Publishing Solutions Artistic 9 - 11 or 1 - 3May. 12 How to Improve Demand Forecasting Accuracy Forecast Systems 9 - 11 or 1 - 3May. 13 Enhancing Your Communications with Multimedia 9 - 11 or 1 - 3May. 19 Managing Your Business with Macintosh Connecting Point 9 - 11 or 1 - 3May. 20 Which Macintosh? Choosing Your Personal Computer 9 - 11 or 1 - 3May. 21 Macintosh to IBM Midrange Connectivity Solutions 9 - 11 or 1 - 3May. 27 Real Estate Seminar 9 - 11 or 1 - 3May. 28 Cross-Platform Communicating Using WordPerfect Office 9 - 11 or 1 - 3</span></text>
<name>Apple Market Center</name>
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<text>AMUG MAIN</text>
<text>For futher info and dates for Satellite Meeting Groups call the AMUG InfoLine at (602) 892-2402 or call the following Satellite Meeting Directors.</text>
<text>AMUG TEMPE Dorman Bullard 962-9619AMUG WEST Chris Gehlker 866-9024</text>
<text>Deltapoint, Deneba, And OnTechnology</text>
<text>Thursday June 25 7PM</text>
<text>Saturday July 11 9AM-5PM</text>
<text>AMUG Training Expo (Call for Details)</text>
<text>Saturday May 16 12-6PM</text>
<text>Broderbund, Microseeds and Timeworks</text>
<text>Thursday May 21 7PM</text>
<text>Members Auction</text>
<text><span class="style24">Tempe Mission Palms(Located at 5th st & Mill )Please call meeting Coordinator,Paul Valach at 967-3706 for more information.</span></text>
<text>Thursday July 16 7PM</text>
<text>Alias, & Delta Tau</text>
<name>AMUG Calandar</name>
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<text>publishing program; Deneba will bring Canvas and Delta Point will show DeltaGraph Pro in June; Alias is bringing two great 3D applications in July; Adobe attends in August, Microsoft has the September meeting and Quark has indicated it might come in October. How’s that for a lineup!? Watch Mike Bean’s President’s Column for the details.Sorry there are no additional dates listed on the calendar. This has nothing to do with the future of our small SIG. The Pyle Recreation Center has not sent out its applications for calendar dates. However, upcoming subjects will include another general evaluation meeting and more on type/fonts and prepress. Other ideas submitted are some design discussions, a meeting to discuss hardware and software choices, and another general topic meeting to cover system maintenance. </text>
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<text>only a few) will be in attendance to advise, assist and teach.Please note that the May meeting will be at Keystone (5245 S. 39th St., Phoenix). Call me or Keystone (437-4944) for directions. This meeting will be a discussion of “imagesetters.” Also we hope to have some handouts covering some of the frustratingly arcane terminology used when doing prepress procedures and desktop publishing.The June meeting will be aimed specifically at typesetting and font handling. These subjects keep coming up again and again in various settings. Learning how to manage your fonts on the system and in your documents is an on-going process. Reading everything you can get your hands on helps, but only trial and error will polish and perfect your abilities. </text>
<text>This is an area that is part technology and part art. All the study in the world is no substitute for a good eye. Having an artistic flair is brought to the best designs only by learning how to control the fonts/type with which you work.Whether you have only those fonts that came with your system or have 200 top-of-the-line PostScript fonts, this meeting may have something to offer. We’ll even cover the fonts available from Best of… I would appreciate having those whose expertise includes working with TrueType.Please also note that upcoming general membership meetings include some great stuff for the graphically inclined. In May, TimeWorks is presenting its desktop</text>
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<text>MEETING SCHEDULEMay 26, TuesdayKeystone5245 S. 39th Street, PhoenixImagesetters and such.(Please note alternate location)June 23, TuesdayTypesetting/FontsThe Pyle Recreation Center has not released its applications for meeting dates as of the date of this writing. Watch here for future meeting dates or call Lea Bromley at phone listed below.LOCATION/TIMEAll meetings will be from 6–9 p.m.(first half hour/get acquainted)Pyle Recreation Center in Tempe </text>
<text>Located on Southern west of Rural Rd For more information call Lea Bromley – 838-4036</text>
<text>The April meeting is aimed at anyone who does or wants to do, long documents. Hopefully, we will have a discussion about the software, techniques and planning considerations involved. The grouping of “long documents” consists of projects such as manuals, scripts, books, magazines, catalogs and multipage newsletters (and others you might wish to add). Bring your questions, problems, ideas and samples of work you have done or pieces you admire. Experienced people such as Lynn Drasnin from Frame Technologies, Janie Sullivan of Desktop Designs, and Rob Mauer (to name </text>
<name>from the desktop..</name>
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<text>integral virus protection, Magna does supply Disinfectant in its disk.Magna also offers two other security programs: Empower I which is a simplified less powerful program, and Empower III (Remote) which is a system administrator level program. Empower III allows for a central administrator to control the security of all computers on a network that have either Empower I or Empower II installed.</text>
<text>Empower II is the best and easiest to use individual and system wide security program I have seen. I highly recommend it for security on everyone’s computer. Whether you are looking for simple control (over access by family members) or more complete control (on a network for controlling levels of access by many individuals) Empower II will do the job.Empower II (Magna) List: $296 – Street Price: $169 2504 N. First Street, Suite 302 San Jose, California 95131</text>
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<text>The Empower II utility is a very powerful and versatile software-only security solution. Empower II gives the user control over security access hard drives, hard drive partitions, and removable hard drives without requiring a key disk. Empower II also includes s screen-locking screen saver for the times when you want to secure your computer temporarily and automatically. The screen saver can be used on demand or automatically after a specified time.Installation and use of Empower II is very easy, as it is a control panel device whose interface uses the familiar Appleshare style interface for folder and file access control. Empower II also prevents unauthorized insertion of floppy disks and prevents anyone from starting the computer from a floppy.The installation of the Empower II CDEV </text>
<text>makes the first user the administrator but gives any individual authorized to use the computer his/her own private control of files and folders (even the administrator can be kept out). In other words each computer with Empower II can have multiple users and multiple passwords – Empower II allows up to 255 characters. Although Empower II allows for an individual to lock an administrator out of his/her private files, it can also be set up for an administrator override.The Empower II CDEV also supports DES or Magna’s own encryption of files and folders. The encryption can be set to be transparent and automatic. Empower II also keeps an audit log which can be edited, printed, and protected. While Empower II does not have </text>
<name>Empower II</name>
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<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text>your printer is capable of. TrueType and ATM can be used together (with a little care). Apple plans to incorporate ATM in a future System software release. Because of this they have an agreement with Adobe to allow you to get ATM for only $7.50 (said to cover shipping and handling). You also get a free Adobe font (Garamond). Just call 800/521-1976, ext 4400. Tell them you want the free ATM offer for System 7 Mac users. Have your credit card number ready.</text>
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<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text>As noted before, the missing folders are really there, you just can’t see them. If you know a folder’s name and do a search for it you can find it and move it to a new folder and it will stay visible. Also, recreating the Disktop files (not just rebuilding them) will reportedly make the missing folders reappear. Using the file “DeskTop Reset” can be used to recreate the DeskTop files. However, you will very like still have some directory damage Running the standard utilities such as Norton Disk Doctor will not repair the damage. You will have to re-format your hard disk drive. If you do not have a convenient way to backup and restore your data, and if you own the Norton Utilities, you might first call their technical support. From my conversation with them I understand they can sometimes talk you through a fix to avoid re-initializing your drive.Now Apple has produced a fix to avoid this </text>
<text><span class="style1">roblem. It has been released as System7 Tuneup version 1.1.1. NOTE: Do not use version 1.1 as it was found to have another (apparently less damaging) bug. Also note that this fix will only avoid the problem in the future. If you have already had the problem you should still back up and re-initialize your drive to get rid of possible directory damage that could bite you later.</span><span class="style5">Free (almost) Adobe Type Manager (ATM) </span><span class="style1">I’m repeating this for newer members and others who may have overlooked it. ATM is a control panel device that allows best handling of Postscript Type 1 fonts. It will display such fonts at any size on the screen with good resolution (similar to TrueType). It will also assure the best printing quality </span></text>
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<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text>• David Duke Virus - Makes your screen go completely white• Congress Virus - Overdraws your disk space• Paul Tsongas Virus - Pops up on Dec. 25 and says “I’m Not Santa Claus”• Pat Buchanan Virus - Shifts all output to the extreme right of the screen• Dan Quayle Virus - Forces your computer to play “PGA TOUR” from 10 am to 4pm 6 days a week• Bill Clinton Virus - This virus mutates from region to region. We’re not exactly sure what it does.• Richard Nixon Virus - aka the “Tricky Dick Virus” you can wipe it out, but it always makes a comeback.• H. Ross Perot Virus - same as the Jerry Brown virus, only nicer fonts are used, and it appears to have had a lot more money put into its development.</text>
<text><span class="style5">isappearing Folders & System 7</span><span class="style1"> The case of the disappearing folders has been commented on before in this column. Now the action that kicks-off that syndrome has been discovered according to reports on America Online (sorry, I am only reporting; I decided not to try this out!!). Apparently if you create a folder ON THE DESKTOP, not in the startup disk window, and THEN copy files into that folder, and THEN try to drag the folder to an open window, BANG! You will lose that folder and all folders with names beginning with letters that come after it. Please note we are only talking about System 7 here, not earlier system versions (although I do recall reading the bug has been around prior to System 7, I have not heard of it before now).</span></text>
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<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text>driver called “BetterWriters”. I have heard several good reports, and no negative reports. One report was that printing on an ImageWriter II was speeded up to System 6 speed, or perhaps a bit faster.The description in the Macintosh product registry states that it has: “...software QuickDraw printer drivers for the ImageWriter I, II, and LQ, StyleWriter and DeskWriter. It supports TrueType and Adobe Type Manager fonts, text rotation, access to the printer’s internal fonts, “no-jam” labels and forms printing, custom paper sizes, horizontal and vertical flipping, gray-scale pattern smoothing, color, cover page and print order control, print even/odd pages only, Communications Toolbox and more. List price is $69.00 (but check mail order). If interested, and you have an Appletalk ImageWriter you should check this out since I’ve heard it doesn’t work with those.</text>
<text><span class="style1">DT Softworks, IncP.O. Box 1865Point Roberts, WA 98281604/291-9121 (inquiries)800/663-6222 (orders)604/291-9689 (fax)</span><span class="style5">Major Virus Alert (NOT!)</span><span class="style1"> The following was posted by Mike Steiner on FidoNet:• George Bush Virus - Doesn’t do anything, but you can’t get rid of it until November• Ted Kennedy Virus - Crashes your computer but denies it ever happened• Anita Hill Virus - Lies dormant for 10 years• Warren Commission Virus - Won’t allow you to open your files for 75 years• Jerry Brown Virus - Blanks your screen and begins flashing an 800 number</span></text>
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<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text><span class="style1">xtra speed, then manually download ZapfDin when you first start work in the morning. If you understand that and it helps, you are welcome. If you don’t understand it, ask someone other than me to explain it!</span><span class="style5">SuperLaserSpool and WriteNow 2.2</span><span class="style1"> If you are running under Finder and using WriteNow v2.2, SLS will not print. This has been resolved in the new version of WriteNow(v2.2a), which you can get from TMaker software. I believe it is a free upgrade. Actually, didn’t I hear somewhere that WriteNow 3.0 is released or will be so soon?</span><span class="style5">Extensions Manager Revisited</span><span class="style1"> Here’s one I lost some face on. Someone on the net said that the (free) program “Extensions Manager” version 1.6 would allow you to control which items in the Apple Startup folder would be executed at </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">tartup. I said he was nuts. It turned out someone was nuts. Me again. “Extensions Manager” will indeed allow you press a key on startup in which the items in the Apple Startup Folder appear (as well as Cdevs and Extensions). You can then turn selected items off. The program’s documentaion states it is compatible with System 4.2 through 7. But since there is no Startup Folder in systems prior to 7, I don’t how it handles items designated as startup under those systems.</span><span class="style5">BetterWriter II</span><span class="style1"> Many are laboring with the very slow printing speed of an ImageWriter II under System 7. System 7 Tune-up speeds it up somewhat but still not to System 6 speed. Well, I have heard some very good reports about a commercially sold </span></text>
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<text>...........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text><span class="style1">efore shut down / restart.</span><span class="style5">Suitcase 2 and Maximum Open Suitcases </span><span class="style1">In Suitcase II (the “old” suitcase) you could increase the number of open suitcases from a default number of 12 (as I recall). This really increased the maximum number of any files (applications, documents, etc. as well as suitcase files) that could be open at once.I noticed that in Suitcase 2.0, the recently released upgrade from Suitcase II) this option no longer existed. Contacting the author on America On line revealed why.With System 7.0, the system dynamically expands the limit as necessary, so Suitcase doesn’t have to “worry” about this any more. With System 6, Suitcase 2.0 now itself expands the limit to a “large” number at startup time (348 if you have 4 or more MB of RAM, 200 if 2MB, 100 if 1MB). 348 open </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">iles (of all types) is still an architectural limit of the Mac file system.</span><span class="style5">Where’s Zapf Dingbats?</span><span class="style1">Since I don’t have a postscript printer, I don’t understand everything I know about the following. But many people have complained about the new Apple printers not having the font Zapf Dingbats built-in. It appears (would you believe it) that the problem was an error in the ROM in which its name was misspelled. The solution is to rename the Zapf Dingbats font that Apple supplies to “ZapfDin”. Then it downloads automatically and everything is fine. If you have been using ATM with the Plus Pack, then you probably already have ZapfDin in your System Folder/Extensions Folder and it will download automatically. If you want </span></text>
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<text>..........................................Dorman L. Bullard</text>
<text><span class="style5">uitcase 2 and Apple’s Fax Extension </span><span class="style1">Switcher Apple’s Fax Extension Switcher has a bug which will cause a crash if Suitcase loads after it. Renaming Suitcase with a leading “a” causes Suitcase to load before the Fax extensions. Suitcase 2.1, forthcoming, will work around the Fax Extension Switcher bug so the renaming will no longer be necessary.</span><span class="style5">Suitcase 2 and Quadras</span><span class="style1">Cutting a suitcase (so that it is no longer a member of any set other than Opened or Closed), or leaving a suitcase open in the Temporary set will result in a startup crash on Quadras which have the CPU/040 cache enabled. In other words, the crash occurs if Suitcase tries to “forget” a suitcase at startup. Workarounds, pending 2.1 which will fix the problem:(1) Disable the CPU/040 cache before restarting when the crash conditions will be met (suitcase(s) to be </span></text>
<text>“forgotten”).(2) Don’t cut (without subsequently pasting) suitcases that are to be “forgotten.” Instead, create a “To be forgotten” set and paste the suitcases into that set after cutting them from another set. After using the 2.1 Updater (forthcoming), the contents of the “To be forgotten” set can be cut and truly forgotten. Also, manually close any suitcases in the Temporary set </text>
<name>Bits & Pieces</name>
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<text>............................................by Jim Metcalf</text>
<text>for not having any particular goal in mind other than just using every feature I could think of.I have a few suggestions for Wacom.1. The manual could be a bit more explicit in the use of the pen, and scaling features. The manual needs to cover more on how to use the tablet with your system. It should cover some basics of the the different applications, I.E. the use with Illustrator and Freehand, Photoshop, Painter, etc. With the programs upgrading and changing each year, this might be a bit hard to do, but maybe just a newsletter insert type of instruction.2. It would be nice if they supplied a high end color and/or black and white paint program, like Painter or PixelPaint Professional, with the Wacom tablet. Almost all of the scanners on the market come with either Photoshop or </text>
<text>ColorStudio... Why not a high-end Paint program with the Wacom? After talking with Wacom’s representative, Burt Holms & Associates in New York, I learned that some of the mail order companies do offer the Wacom bundled with Pixelpaint Professional.3. It would be nice if the Wacom came with templates printed on removable surface that you could put along the top of the tablet to help orient yourself while using. How about some Macro Key functions built in similar to those offered by Kurta (h-i-s-s!)?To say I like this tablet would be an under-statement. I love it... but I also think it has a lot of room for improvement. Of course, that is where the company gets you... in the upgrades. I admit that will not stop me from purchasing this particular tablet.</text>
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<text>Wacom Tablet</text>
<text>............................................by Jim Metcalf</text>
<text>in Illustrator. The Tablet doesn’t know you zoomed in. It stays at the same resolution you originally started in. It is definitely easier to trace a template with the pen, but if you zoom, remember to go back to the same level or you will get lost in your illustration quickly.Note: The illustrated cap letters in this article were done with the Wacom tablet in Adobe Illustrator. The “ICON 1” illustration was done in Adobe Photoshop.Photoshop turned out to be a surprise. I experimented more with the pressure settings with the Wacom tablet. Although this program is marketed as an image manipulation program, I found it to very formidable as a straight drawing program. You may not have all the textures and shapes available to you built into the program, but if you have imagination, you can make this program fly...</text>
<text>I started with a scanning in a color Poloroid on my Microtek 600ZS. Next I saved the image as a Photoshop document and applied the impressionist tool using the pen for drawing. Pressure variations also showed up when I added some freehand “squiggles” randomly over the top of the Impressionist pattern. The next tool used was the Airbrush tool. Control with the pen in regards to pressure and line width is wonderful. Type was added with antiallias and without antialliasing. Lastly I selected random sections of the illustration with the rectangular marque and adjusted the colors, brightness and contrast, etc. This illustration was an experiment and I think it turned out nicely </text>
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<text>Wacom Tablet</text>
<text>............................................by Jim Metcalf</text>
<text>One of the first things I found out using the Wacom tablet is that you can use it in conjunction with your keyboard and mouse. It plugs into your Modem port. I like that. If you also use a modem, then you must unplug it or get an A/B switch selector box. You can also use the Wacom for some general computing; I.E. selecting menu windows, tools, etc., but I wouldn’t recommend it. It is very slow in responding... the mouse is quicker. It was made for drawing, and that is where it shines best, especially freehand graphics. Of you use an HP Paintjet Printer, you must move the Wacom Init out of the system folder and restart your Mac... Otherwise, it will drive the HP printer crazy, printing a code at the top of a sheet of paper over and over again, until you turn it off. If you use the new software from Savitar called </text>
<text>“ScanMatch” in Photoshop, you must turn the Wacom tablet off temporarily to select the ScanMatch filter. If you fail to do so, your Mac will freeze up until you turn it off. After you have selected the filter and made your adjustments, you can turn the Wacom back on and continue with your session.I used the Wacom to work mainly in Illustrator and Photoshop. The results were wonderful in Illustrator, and interesting in Photoshop. Tracing or freehand drawing in Illustrator is so much nicer than drawing with a mouse. But I found that I used both mouse and pen. I would select tools with the mouse and draw with the pen. Watch out when you zoom-in </text>
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<text>Wacom Tablet</text>
<text>............................................by Jim Metcalf</text>
<text>program, but some specifically have been modified to take advantage of the Wacom’s pressure pen. These include Aldus Freehand 3.1, Pixelpaint Professional, Adobe Photoshop and Painter. The list of programs that are taking advantage of the Wacom tablet and pressure pen is growing daily.After setting up the tablet I installed the software and set the parameters to match my Macintosh. (If you are using system 7.0, make an alias of the Wacom Init and put it in the Apple menu.) Call up the Init and turn the Driver on.Then click on the “Stylus” button and make sure the pressure pen is selected. A lower setting will increase the sensitivity to the pen. I found I liked it set at the beginning setting of “3”. You can set it to as high as “60”, but you really have to have a heavy hand to get it to work. The </text>
<text>average pressure setting is abournd “17”. Next, Click on “Scaling”. You will notice the Wacom window will change slightly. Select “Full Screen” and “maintain Aspect Ratio” or follow the instructions in the brief manual as to your particular Mac’s specifications and or your particular monitor requirements. If you use “Full Tablet” on my Macintosh IICi with 13” monitor, then all freehand graphics will be distorted, in other words, you wont have a 1 to 1 ratio. The condensed height drawing that results could be interesting as a different drawing style. This makes the Wacom vary adaptable and compatible to most configurations, but a little tricky to figure out for the first time.</text>
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<text>Wacom Tablet</text>
<text>............................................by Jim Metcalf</text>
<text>Of all the items I ever wanted to test, this is it. As a graphic designer and illustrator, I figured there had to be easier way to create graphics than with the bar of soap we all call a mouse. Why do we call it a mouse?... because it scoots. Actually, after awhile, you get good at drawing with a (bar of soap) mouse.Wacom? It sounds like the cry for some exotic bird... but its not. It’s a Digitizer for the Macintosh and used to input graphics. The particular model I am testing is the SD-42X Series with the Electrostatic Surface and Pressure “Stylus”. It is known as the super digitizer with 12” x 12” electrostatic drawing area. The electrostatic surface holds tracing paper down without the aid of making tape. Note: It also helps protect the drawing surface from scuff marks from the Pressure Pen. Can you imagine, an actual pen shaped object to input graphics. Wow!</text>
<text>The box was bigger than I had imagined. The company packs the tablet well. The instructions on the hardware setup and the software installation were very complete. The software installation talks about a method of detecting Init and Cdev conflicts and how to figure out which particular Init or Cdev is the problem. The process will work with any Init or Cdev conflict you may encounter with any software/hardware installation.Along with the software installation Init comes plug-in filters for Superpaint, Ultrapaint and a program they called Pressure Paint. It’s a black and white paint program with a few examples thrown in. Very simple stuff. It should be noted that you can use the Wacom tablet with almost any </text>
<name>Wacom Tablet</name>
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<text>I want to thank all the contributors for their help on the Newsletter. The next Publication that we need articles for is the July digest.Articles must be submitted by the 5th of the June for inclusion in the July digest.Submit your articles to me at:Gary P. Fields5515 North 7th Street– Suite 5-108Phoenix, Arizona85014-2531or upload them to the Newsletter File Section of AMUG I BBS at 495-1713, the Newsletter File Section of AMUG II BBS at 947-0587, the Newsletter sections of AMUG Preferred at 926-4026 or 437-9622 or call me at home at 263-8746 and we can make some kind of arrangements.</text>
<text>If you or anyone you know would like to advertise in the Newsletter or Digest; please contact Charlie Mort at 496-4577, Lea Bromley at 838-4036 or myself at 263-8746.The Beginners meeting meets in the Hall, come join us and ask the questions you always wanted to ask.The May beginners’ meetingwill be for new and beginning Mac users. </text>
<name>The Editor's Zone</name>
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<text>The PRESIDENTS’ Desk</text>
<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text>• On May 21, 1992 AMUG will host Microseeds, Broderbund and TimeWorks. This meeting will be at 7:00 PM in Tempe at the Sheraton Mission Palms, located at 60 E. 5th St., Tempe, AZ .• On June 25, 1992 AMUG will host Deneba, DeltaPoint & OnTechnology. This meeting will be at 7:00 PM in Tempe at the Sheraton Mission Palms, located at 60 E. 5th St., Tempe, AZ .• On July, 11, 1992 AMUG will provide a great training seminar with 12 classes, lunch and dinner for $35 to AMUG members. This meeting will be 9:00-5:00 </text>
<text>PM at the Phoenix Corporate Center Holiday Inn, 2532 West Peoria Av e. (Peoria & I-17) Phoenix, AZ.• On July, 16, 1992 AMUG will host Alias, & Delta Tau. This meeting will be at 7:00 PM in Tempe at the Sheraton Mission Palms, located at 60 E. 5th St., Tempe, AZ .Happy Mac’ing,</text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style1">vailable for $12.00 from Patrick Pillon in Paris. Call 277-5006 for more information.</span><span class="style5">Apple items…</span><span class="style1">AMUG has a limited number of Apple T-Shirts at $15.00, Apple pencils at $1.00, Apple Mugs at $8.00 and AMUG pen and pencil sets from Apple for $5.00. See them at the Best of table or call 553-8966 to order yours.</span><span class="style5">AMUG “Best of” Stores…</span><span class="style1">Purchase The Arizona Macintosh Users Group “Best of” series at one of four locations: • Phoenix AMUG - 4131 N. 24th St #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85018 - (602) 553-8966• Mesa Computer Mart – 1155 E. Main in Mesa at (602) 833-1155 • Software City – 5515 N. 7th Street in Phoenix at (602) 264-1422• Software – 4001 E. Thomas Road in Phoenix at (602) 954-7638</span></text>
<text>Now no matter which side of town you live on you will have access to the AMUG “Best of” series. Be sure to tell these dealers you appreciate their carrying the AMUG disks. Their efforts and your purchases keep AMUG programs the best in Arizona!In the coming months AMUG™ has many events planned.</text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style1">oftware that is available for review currently includes:1.) PosterWorks2.) DiskMaker3.) Little Mac Word Book4.) BBS in a BOX Volume V5.) FileMaker Pro (the book)6.) Kaboom (sounds)7.) Instant Update8.) Meeting MakerCall Lea Bromley at (602) 838-4036 for more information about available software and books.</span><span class="style5">AMUG Specials…Panoramic CD-ROM Special..</span><span class="style1">.AMUG has a limited number of beautiful picture CD-ROMs called Panoramix. These CD-ROMs list for $119.00 but for a limited time you can purchase one of these disks with 110 pictures in 24, 8 bit and gray scale </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">or $59.00. Call 553-8966 for more information.</span><span class="style5">DiskMaker Hard Drive Formatting Special...</span><span class="style1">AMUG has a limited number of copies of DiskMaker from Golden Triangle. This software supports all SCSI disks and is System 7 compatible. The software supports removable disks, multiple volumes, password protection, and write protection. You can now get this product from AMUG for $29.00. Retail value is $79.00. Call 553-8966 for more information.</span><span class="style5">Mac Music CD-ROM Special...</span><span class="style1">AMUG has a acquired a Music CD from France that produced with Macintosh MIDI technology. We have these great Music CD’s </span></text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style1">ou would like to help.</span><span class="style5">MUG Products</span><span class="style1"> - The Arizona Macintosh Users Group is looking for products to bring to the market for User Group members and administration. The purpose of this effort is to bring new and interesting products to the Mac market that may not have been developed otherwise. The MUG community, the developer, and the Arizona Macintosh Users Group will benefit. Turn your idea for a product into a reality – contact AMUG at 892-5454! Our volunteers and contacts can make your ideas soar.</span><span class="style5">AMUG Newsletter Reviews…</span><span class="style1">Over the years the AMUG Newsletter has always needed articles and tidbits of information. We provide the following to enhance members’ desires to review software for AMUG News™:</span></text>
<text>Each month in the President’s desk software packages available for review by AMUG members will be listed. Reviews for the products listed will be expected within 30-45 days of receipt of the package. The member who reviews the product will have the option to purchase the reviewed item at 20% of retail value. This equates to 80% off the retail price! This program will help AMUG and its members in the following ways:1) Members can acquire valuable software packages at a minimal cost.2) Members can try before they buy. 3) It will provide software for our annual AMUG fund raiser and auction. </text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style1">oon as possible and your help would be appreciated.</span><span class="style5">PLEASE HELP!</span><span class="style1">We need folks who would like to help answer phones at the Clubhouse, bulk mail newsletters, copy disks, and other AMUG duties. If you have time to volunteer please call us at 553-8966.Part-time assignments - AMUG is looking for names and phone numbers of individuals willing to perform as administrative assistants for special projects. Compensation will be $5.00 per hour and only occasionally as the need develops. If you are interested in getting on the AMUG list of assistants call Michael Bean at 602-553-8966. </span><span class="style5">AMUG Advertising</span><span class="style1"> - AMUG is looking for a volunteer who is interested in helping provide advertising for the </span></text>
<text><span class="style1">MUG Newsletter. Only by the sale of advertising has our newsletter been available to grow into such a great Macintosh Digest. We need a few volunteers to keep AMUG News in the black and help us obtain additional advertising to offset printing and mailing costs. AMUG will compensate you for your help. Call Michael Bean at 553-8966. WE NEED YOU!</span><span class="style5">Education</span><span class="style1"> - AMUG is in the process of establishing a Macintosh educational series in disk format. We are looking for submissions by authors in mediatracks, HyperCard, text format or any other format. We need “How to” or general Macintosh education topics. AMUG needs your help in establishing this “original works” learning series. Call Michael Bean at (602) 553-8966 if </span></text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style5">ystem 7.01...</span><span class="style1">System 7.01 has arrived and AMUG has a great upgrade available to you. All six System 7.01 disks with great labels are available with a great System 7.0 book for the looooow price of $39.00 including a 3 month membership. That sure beats $99.00 from other sources. Send your order to AMUG, 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234. </span><span class="style5">AMUG Preferred keeps growing</span><span class="style1">...We now have 190 AMUG preferred users on-line! Your support of the AMUG Preferred’s Iconic Telecom system is necessary to maintain this service. Do you need additional time to download those large files, want the icon interface or maybe just want more options? AMUG Preferred is for you!Central Phoenix line (602) 437-9622East Valley line (602) 926-4026</span></text>
<text>AMUG Preferred is linked with AMUG I, AMUG II, and Tigers Den for messaging. To use this feature, just double click on the “Echoes” icon and post in any of the available on-line conferences. Messages posted in any of these echoes are posted around the world to Mac Users everywhere. We hope you enjoy these new features on AMUG Preferred! To join AMUG Preferred send $25.00 to “AMUG, 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.” Include your first name and last name and a password you wish to use. This will provide you access for 1 year. A bargain by any standard!AMUG Volunteers…The Arizona Macintosh Users Group is in need of several volunteers for club services. We need the following positions filled as </text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text><span class="style5">embers Auction 1992</span><span class="style1">Its that time again! On May 16, 1992 AMUG will host its annual members’ Macintosh software and hardware auction GALORE. This event will be from 12-6 PM on May 16, 1992 at the Tempe Sheraton Mission Palms, located at 60 E. 5th St. in Tempe. Last time we had hundreds of items available at a fraction of their value. DO NOT MISS this event. You will be able to bring your items in for sale from 12-1 PM and the auction will start promptly at 1:00 PM. See the coupon in this issue for marking your items for the auction!AMUG Resource Center OpenFor those members who cannot always make it to the main meetings and wish to purchase Macintosh books at 20% off retail, the AMUG Center is now open. We have ResEdit, Excel, Word 5, Inside </span></text>
<text>Mac, programming books and much more available. You can also get great AMUG T-Shirts, Disks and CD-ROM’s at this location. Hours will be 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day but call first as we have to run out at times. Call Mike Bromley or Michael Bean at 602-553-8966 . The Center is located at 4131 N. 24th St. #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85018. This is our permanent location. Soon we hope to provide copying of AMUG library disks at free provided you bring your own disks. You can also get disks at the Center for $1.00 each.The AMUG Resource Center is here for you stop in and see us. If you need help call 602-553-8966. AMUG has the answers or will get them for you.</text>
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<text>......................Michael S. Bean</text>
<text>The PRESIDENTS’ Desk</text>
<text><span class="style5">MUG HostsBroderbund, Microseeds and TimeWorks</span><span class="style1">On May 21, 1992 AMUG will host Broderbund, Microseeds, and TimeWorks. This meeting will be at 7:00 PM in Tempe at the Sheraton Mission Palms, located at 60 E. 5th St., Tempe, AZ. TimeWorks will be showing us their page layout program. Microseeds will show all their neat System 7 tools. Broderbund will show some new items as well. REMEMBER this is our new meeting place in TEMPE!</span><span class="style5">Tune-Up 1.1.1 from Apple </span><span class="style1">Apple has released version 1.1.1 of the new System 7.0 TuneUp disk. Expect improved memory and printing performance from the update along with a fix for disappearing folders. These disks are available for $3.00 at the meeting or from the Clubhouse at 602-277-5006.</span></text>
<text>Apple Computer is working on a new PowerBook that will weigh 4.25 pounds and be powered by a 25-MHZ 68030. This is the same processor as currently in the 170. The new PowerBook will be available in 4 meg to 12 meg configurations with a 40 or 80 meg drive. 2400 bps modem and 9600 baud fax will be included. This particular portable will dock to a travel bar or desk bar unit. These units will add color display and nubus options. This will be quite a nice upgrade from the current PowerBooks. Expect to see these in the next few months.Apple computer has negotiated with Sears to carry the MacClassic II, LC II, Mac IIsi and the PowerBook 140 along with 12 and 13 inch monitors. Expect to see a Sears advertisement in the next few months introducing this new distribution method.</text>
<name>President's Desk</name>
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<text>The President's Desk......................The Editor's Zone.............................Wacom Tablet (Review)...............Bits and Pieces.................................EmpowerII (Review)......................from the desktop.............................AMUG Meeting Calandar...............Apple Market Center.....................FileGuard (Review)........................H.A.M. (Review)..............................</text>
<text>Redux (Review).............................DeltaGraph Pro 2.0 (Review).....TFCrossword Fonts..........................Screen Gems (Review)...................Amug Training...............................Best of...............................................Best of Disk Listings ......................Mac Opinion.....................................Seniors & the Mac...........................</text>
<text> 2</text>
<text>AMUG Training:AMUG is happy to announce an arrangement with Phoenix College to use their Microcomputer Lab for our classes. This is exciting as we will have 29 Macintosh LC computers to use, so we can do more hands-on type of training with a minimum of setup time. As a result, all prior announcements of classes in this section are cancelled and are being rescheduled.Schedules are not quite entirely firm at this time, but we are tentatively announcing the Canvas 3.0 hands-on session for February 1, 1992 at the Phoenix College, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The lab is in the basement of the Library Building (building L) which is on the South side of the Campus. Park in the North parking area, on 15th Avenue just North of Thomas Road. NOTE: You must call the AMUG Information, 277-5142, to verify the date, place, and time prior to February 1, 1992We will also be rescheduling our introductory classes. These classes will be held in the evenings from 6-8 PM. There will be three 2-hour sessions starting in mid-February. The classes will use MacWrite 5.0 and MacPaint 2.0 as example applications. These classes will be repeated about 10 weeks later.We will also be having three 2-hour sessions on MicroSoft Word starting near the end of February or Early March.By the time you read this, the schedules should be firm. Since we will also have some Phoenix College faculty and staff in the classes, the number of attendees will be limited. Accordingly you will need to make reservations by calling Dorman Bullard, 962-9619 prior to 1 February 1992</text>
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